Friday, August 8, 2008

George Foreman Grill and theToilet Brush

(Thanks to Wiki for the George Foreman grill image - mine is packed)

One time a few years ago Dad always liked to help me clean up the kitchen. He was really good at cleaning stuff.

Anyway I had this George Foreman grill and had used it to cook something and Dad wanted to clean it up for me. So I told him to have at it and left the room to do something else.

When I returned the grill was as clean as a brand new one and sitting on the counter upside down with the lid open next to the sink. But next to it was this toilet brush.

I asked Dad if he had used the toilet brush on the grill and he said "yes."

When he left the room I cleaned it again with disinfectant and returned the toilet brush to its regular (and more natural) place.

I thought it was funny.

But I told the story to my son and from then on his entire family would never eat anything cooked on the George Foreman grill.

Even when I told them I had disinfected and, oh, by the way, the thing heats up to about 1,000 degrees, too.

Dad never thought about there being anything wrong with using a toilet brush on it. I'm not really very sure that had anything to do with Alzheimer's either.

Just another funny story.