Monday, July 16, 2007


There was a post about resentment on one of the forums.

I looked up the word in one of my dictionaries. Resentment is a noun that is customarily defined as "a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will."

I thought so but I guess I was hoping for a loophole in the definition. Sometimes that happens. But if this is the definition then I've definitely harbored resentment. Some writers on the forum said their resentment was towards the disease and not towards their loved one. I would like to be that noble.

But I'm not. Fortunately though my resentment has never been very extreme nor has it lasted for a very long time.

1 comment:

Kelsi said...


I happened upon your blog after seeing a link for it on the Alzheimer's community message board. I am a blogger as well, trying to cope with what it's like to have a parent with Alzheimer's. For me, it's my mom. We are in a much different place than you and your dad, as I am only 21 and my mom is only 45, and she was just diagnosed earlier this year. I just thought I would let you know I appreciate your words.