Saturday, February 9, 2008

What is the definition of saved?

The other day I read the following:

I don't think everyone is saved by God's grace. What is the definition of saved?

Sin, Get Saved, Ask for Forgiveness, Sin, Get Saved, Ask for Forgiveness and do it all over again the next day? I don't get that.

If they were truly saved, why would they sin, ask for forgiveness and then just go out and do the same thing over and over? ie Sin, Hypocrisy, Lies etc?

I have some of the most amazing Christian friends that epitomize the idea of love, compassion and true Christianity and know of a few people who are wonderful, beautiful Christians...... but on the other hand, I've known some Christians that spew more lies, hatred and evil than all the Atheists I know put together.

At least the Atheists I know personally aren't sneaky hypocrites. But, I'm sure everyone has it in them regardless of religious beliefs.

To simplify, I think we should just try to be good people and treat each other well.
I thought this was interesting because it reveals a number of things about how non-Christians view Christians and Christ and God.

"Saved from what" is a really good question I think for someone to ask. If one has to ask the question then it is probably impossible to understand a satisfactory answer. Jesus the Christ said it best Himself of course. Really there are no new questions. Matthew's gospel at chapter 9 has the following:
10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
His words are so intuitive and yet were lost on the Pharisees who considered themselves righteous. But those who sought out Jesus knew they were in need of healing. Some needed physical healing from actual physical disease. But there is a greater and deeper illness and in the Scriptures it is called sin. Christ came for those who have come to recognize that sin and its effects.

Christianity is definitely not a faith for those who are already righteous. Certainly it is not a faith for the atheist.

Another interesting thing about Christianity is that with belief does not come perfection or sinless living. Christ does produce in His disciples a remarkably changed life. It is in 1st John (among other places) that Christians are admonished to confess their sins.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

It is wonderful that the person has such good atheist friends. It is sad that the person has Christian friends who he or she considers evil. It would be better for the person to look directly to Christ Himself and make up her mind about Him and what He did and what He said.

As a believer in Jesus Christ myself it is always my own goal only to point those I meet to the Savior. I certainly am no good example for anyone nor do I have answers and solutions for all life's problems. But I have found the One Who does. It seems natural to me that such information should be shared.

But the writer makes a good point that those who do not need such an introduction should not be coerced in any way into seeking one.

1 comment:

~Betsy said...

I tend to keep my faith to myself but I think you do a good job of sharing without overwhelming your listener.

Thanks for a thought provoking post, Terry. Blessings to you.